Monday, 25 March 2013

Steeper paths, greater rewards?

The swallows dance is complicated and fast. I need all my concentration to watch him and learn. His lessons are unforgiving, the slightest misinterpretation or faltering step, and a reprimand is given. Heed his words and actions, and rewards fall from his beak.

So what has Master Swallow taught me?

# The swallows needs room to move, cage him and he cannot dance.
# His movements are careful although fast, turn too hard and you throw yourself into the path of your enemy.
# Sometimes it is better to let the prey hit your beak, rather than try to hit your prey whit your beak.
# One does not always need to fly your fastest, fly only as fast as you need to.
# Often it is better to let you prey fly off.
# Keep one eye on your prey, and one on your surroundings.

There are more lessons to be learned, of that I am sure.

I am a poor student, I am easily distracted, I am headstrong and impulsive, but I try. The universe and my brother and sister pilots understand this and are always there to instruct me and sometimes, I to instruct them. My experiences of the past couple of days have shown me a pattern of balance, the movement of energies, that try throughout infinity to calm the chaotic forces that rise again and again. To achieve that careful precious state between creation and destruction. A sate every pilot in New Eden is familiar with.

But the path is steep, and I, as previously stated, am a poor student. Forgive me Master Swallow for stumbling now and then. Your ephemeral dance is hard to observe and master, I am a creature of force. I relish in the tearing of armour plates and hull, the hot plasma of hybrid weapons fire, the close dance of rivals or predator and prey. I am a cumbersome brute with blinkered eyes. But I try, and I will keep trying to master your delicate dance, to-and-fro, in-and-out. I do see how you dance, I have moments of insight and adeptness, but they all too often slip through my fingers and place me in the hands of my worthy opponent.

This is when I look hard for my lesson, and there is always a lesson there for you if you look hard enough.

The path is steep, the lesson hard, how great will my rewards be?

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